Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Dear Donald Miller,

Today I realized that I want to be you. Not just a fan of your books (though I confess I have yet to read your most recent one), but actually BE you. I want to write about Christian spirituality and relationships between people and confusing situations people get themselves into and the ridiculous things they say. And I want to be picture-esque and deep and witty while doing it. Sort of like YOU.
But your bios are really less than helpful in providing me with a template. From reading your books I know you worked for a publishing company for awhile...took some bible classes...did a lot of hiking and road tripping...and met a lot of cool people. Out of curiosity Don, what exactly IS on your resume other than "I biked across America with Blood:Water Mission"? I am pretty sure you didn't go to college, so asking if you majored in "Being Awesome" isn't even a marginally legitimate question.
Living in Oregon. That is probably on your resume. And I think I will add that to my resume eventually too. But let's be honest, you gotta give a girl more to work with than that.

In the meantime, while I am figuring out how to be you, here is my list of things to do:
-get internship at Orange Coast (this kills many birds in my life, with one stone, though I don't necessarily advocate the killing of birds)
-make a list of places to intern in the IE
-make a list of journals, magazines, publishers, etc. that specialize in the type of writing I want to do.
-write about weird things that happen to me (aka, FIND VOICE)

This post is dedicated to Barry Siegle. If it weren't for him, I would not believe any of this is actually possible. Because of him, I know it is. Thanks Barry. And thank you God.



  1. Why do you want to go back to the Inland Empire?

  2. Melanasorous Rex,

    I relate to your passion to find your voice and build constructive paths for yourself in life. I LOVE that about WILL make you successful and fulfilled, just be patient. In the meantime, don't forget that you are YOU and should focus on that...let yourself be inspired by the greatness of others but don't lose sight of your own greatness...because it's there. I love you.
