Sunday, February 21, 2010

Weirdest Day of my LIFE

I was just told that we are not supposed to base relationships off of emotions. Well then what are we supposed to base them off of, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?? What role do they play?

Emotions are meant to enrich us, not to define us.


Ok, it sounds GREAT, but what does that LOOK LIKE??

I do not want an arranged marriage.

The end. Thank you. Good night.


  1. I think we interpret things physically, spirtually and mentally. Emotions are physical. So that leaves you to base your relationships off of the mental and spiritual. No? xoxo

  2. so i just read this... and i laughed out loud to myself cuz i could totally hear your voice in my head saying those exact words. i really miss you. can we have a phone date soon, pls?
