Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I have been most amazed by God through fruit these past few days. Weird, right?

A loooong time ago, (four years) I remember a guy I used to know saying that he felt like the peach he was eating had been stolen from the Garden of Eden, it was THAT good. He gave me one, and I'll admit, they were a good batch of peaches, but I thought his analogy a bit extreme.

But the other day I was in the kitchen at the Civic Center and I picked a slice of left over council food green apple out of the gallon sized zip lock bag on the counter and took a bite. And my first hyper-Christianized thought was, "This is AMAZING! God created the taste of this apple...man didn't create this." Something about the crisp, juicy, tartness completely threw my taste buds for a loop. And while man can now bio engineer whatever they want to, we didn't originally make it. God not only created that flavor, but our ability to taste it too! I know, if I were reading this post right now, I would want to hit me right now too, but this is seriously what I thought.

This past weekend I was up in Big Bear with my Life Group, and I had a few bites of pear that had been cut for breakfast. Same experience! The taste was AMAZING. The flavors of fruit are just so distinct and unique. And I love that I had nothing to do with it, and yet there it is. Brilliantly created. A gift.

So today as you eat the piece of fruit you hold in your hand, remember where it came from, and thank the God who gives us good things. Like green apples and pears :)

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I loved this. Makes me want to eat some fruit. And then thank God for it. :)
    Love, Brigitte
