Sunday, January 31, 2010

Choices, Distractions and Affirmations

Yesterday I was given the opportunity to spend my summer in East Africa and round out the trip with a week in the UK. My sister also wants to go to Ireland for a bit. MOST AMAZING SUMMER EVER.

But is it practical? Is it real? And what about that ill-fated M-word? You know....*whispers* money? And what about my desire for going back to India next December as a leader for the RH Trip? Do I really just keep asking people for money? Is there some sort of protocol? Are there books written on this that I am missing? And what about just graduating?

I still need to apply to graduate. I should probably do that tonight. And then there is my Life Group. And I am very easily caught up in petty dramas when I need to be praying about BIG DECISIONS (see above). And then there is legitimate drama as is all a distraction.

Through all of this my character has been steadily affirmed though. I know, it sounds weird to say, but people have been happy with my ability to explain things. Apparently I am good at this, but I want to be a writer, not a public speaker. Getting my thoughts in writing when there are so many...ay yie yie.

And then there are these red boots. I feel as though they symbolize something. And maybe I am missing the point, because I am keeping them.

Praise God for sour cream. I need to go eat.

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